Thursday, February 26, 2009

Dinner Tonight

Probably Tilapia.

I'm thinking pan searing.

I think I have some potatoes lying about. Some Garlic Dill Oil or maybe rosemary oil.

We'll see, as always I appreciate your thoughts.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Dinner Last Night

Seared Tuna (cooked through for my wife's sake)
Blanched Green Beans w/ Mustard/Butter/Lemon sauce

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Class Last Night

Thank you Greg Holt for coming and facilitating the jam.

We worked a lot with weight in class last night.
Tipping into motion from standing.
Feeling the weight of the hands, swinging and such.
Sharing weight.
Sharing weight into falling. Simultaneous Contact Falling.
Giving and receiving impulses in a low table.
Full weight in a low table.
Rolling Low table.
Traveling across the space with impetus coming from Simultaneous Contact Falling.

Really great stuff.

Thanks to Greg, Claudia, and Ellis.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

What is a perfect fried egg?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Dinner Tonight

I'm thinking an Indian inspired dish. Probably with cauliflower and veggies, chick peas and whatever else I think will work.

I had found a biryani recipe, but I can't find it. We'll see what happens.


Testing to see if this works.

Thank you. Paldies.

Last Night's Dinner

So it was cod.
Baked Cod with an improvised olive tapenade baked in an onion and mushroom broth
served with
Steamed cauliflower with smoked paprika and curry pan roasted chick peas topped with scallions
and Garlic Mashed Potatoes

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dinner Tonight

Tuna or Cod? Unfortunately both Frozen. Any Thoughts?

Here we go!

Why not have my own blog to add to the scrum that's floating around the internet. I hope to review food I've eaten and cooked as well as share any insights or promotions for my business endeavors. I'll also review dance performances as well as give insights or promotions for dance events that I myself am a part of. So, for the one person that is reading ( and writing) things. Welcome.